The Heater Is Broken
The heater is broken so we need to pay for a new heater.
The car is broken so we need to pay for a new car.
Something in me is broken, valuable and precious.
Heater man, who will fix my broken heart?
Auto mechanic who will fix my broken soul
which you have crushed under the weight of this engine that does not work?
Which you have crushed under the weight of this bank account!
That does not work!
I will pay you in blood from my wounded heart.
I will pay you in poems from my wounded heart.
It’s cold and I can’t go anywhere very far away.
I am stranded and it is cold.
No one will actually pay you for poems,
but if they did I would give all the money to you,
for a beautiful new heater
beating like a beautiful new heart,
with money which is life and freedom,
with poetry that warms you and transports you,
to a world where I wasn’t just fired.
So, a certain literary license and hyperbole there, but this has in fact been a day of financial setbacks. If the poem made you giggle mildly, consider becoming a Patreon contributor and helping me keep on keeping on through the holidays and maybe 2023. and if you are already a Patreon contributor, thank you! Your support means a lot.