This Week's Writing 12/9/22
DeSantis, Avatar, Biden 2024, cursed bunnies and the Spanish Inquisition no one expects
Published a lot this week! Again, if you like my writing, consider supporting me on Patreon.
My poem “Amidah,” about how the Spanish Inquisition elicited confessions without torture. (Orchards Poetry Journal)
Ron DeSantis is not a moderate. (Public Notice)
Bora Chung’s Cursed Bunny gets the mix of pulp horror and lit fic just right. (LA Times)
Yes, Joe Biden is the D nominee, ffs. (Independent)
We may be at the beginning of a new era of labor power. (Alternet)
Avatar and white savior’s seeing their morality in the mirror. (Everything is Horrible)
Will robots consume your art?! Well, maybe not. (Everything is Horrible)
Star Trek: The Deadly Years is a creepy meditation on fear of aging. (WoG)