This Week's Writing 3/17/23
how to recognize fascism, locked in a room with Willem Dafoe, cool dads, and more
If you read one thing by me this week, read:
Yes, the Republicans are fascists. (EIH)
“Woke” doesn’t have a complicated definition. It’s just a slur. (Public Notice)
Rich depositors get a bail out. Student loan debtors? Well… (Editorial Board)
We’re in a bad way, but the left in the US is not as messed up as the Weimar left. (EIH)
Don’t debate Marianne Williamson, Joe. (EIH)
Do you want to be locked in a room with Willem Dafoe? If so, rush to see “Inside.” (Splice Today)
Infinity War and the dream of egalitarian eugenics. (EIH)
How Hollywood lets real fascists off the hook. (EIH)
Everybody’s a critic. So stop hating critics. (EIH)
All praise Dune! No, not that one. (
Firestarter is a surreal superhero film. (EIH)
A poem about how ninjas are awesome! (Red Ogre)
A short story of mine published in 1994 (!) just got digitized. (Fugue)
Free download of litmag D.O.R., with four poems by me. (EIH)
Two haiku like things. (Five Fleas)
Concrete geisha unearthing
on mars.
I prefer to think of it as standing
in the same place
while technology goes backwards
more slowly.
And one more. (Five Fleas)
Makes me anxious.
Now at last I know
makes me anxious
Star Trek Rewatch
“Arena” asks, which is the most advanced dinosaur? Us, of course! (EIH)
“Tomorrow is Yesterday” shows how progress buttresses the status quo. Also it’s dull. (EIH)
At last! I am the cool dad! Sort of. (EIH)
Making Fun is…fun. (EIH)