This Week's Writing 5/10/24
Stormy Daniels' testimony, protestors and the media, lots of poetry.
Hello all! As I say with some frequency, thank all of you for reading my work and supporting me…and if you aren’t paying for a sub, consider doing so? It’s $50/year, $5/month. It keeps me scribbling!
Here’s what I published this week:
If you read one thing by me this week, read
I contributed to a zine of poetry about gun violence. Free download! (Stone’s Throw)
Stormy Daniels’ testimony is a reminder that Trump is a grotesque misogynist. (Public Notice)
No, protestors don’t have to talk to the media. (EIH)
Effective Altruism is neither effective nor altruistic. (EIH)
Cultural Criticism
An interview with Noah Gittell, author of Baseball: The Movie. (EIH)
The Piano and woman’s voice. (Splice Today)
The Day After Tomorrow 20 years later looks too optimistic. (EIH)
My first full length collection, Not Akhmatova, is available for preorder! (Ben Yehuda Press)
My little chapbook Superintelligence of villanelles composed of quotes from Nick Bostrum, Dan Brown, and more is available still! only $4.99! (Amazon)
Little listening poem. (Five Fleas)
If you carve a poem on a tree in a forest and
the tree falls on you and
you and the tree decay together over a hundred years.
Mushrooms grow out of your eyes.
Mushrooms grow out of your eyes.
Mushrooms grow out of your ears.
What was I saying?
Short poem of profound truths. (dadakuku)
Got a lot of failure to get through
before that big nose slides into Arkansas.
I think I have a rash.