It’s back to school! Our daughter is a newly minted freshperson college goer! Our cats continue to lie around as ever! And! I’m offering a 40% off sale for the next week; till August 30, $30/year forever on all annual subscriptions.
What do you get with your annual subscription? Well, you help me keep the blog going. If you help out I can keep writing pieces like this one about how there is no crisis of masculinity, or this about how, yes, the Republicans are fascists.
You also get subscriber only posts such as my piece on being the dad who schleps the child, or my essay on discovering I’m neurodivergent. You can follow my subscriber only rewatch of Star Trek TOS, and read my best of horror by decade lists.
And of course you make sure I can feed the cats. And fix our leaky furnace so the cats don’t slip in the puddles while playing in the basement. Wet cats; no one wants that. Help us keep it from happening!