I was thinking this was going to be a treatise on actual shift work for just a moment and I was more excited than I can easily explain. Because in general Day Shift gets much glory due to the fact that they are who management sees. Yes, they have to spend more time around management, which sucks but they're more likely to be fully staffed. Second shift in my personal opinion gets the worst of the 24/7 workplace world, but it varies depending on the industry. In healthcare direct care positions though this can be the thing that makes your burnout permanent.

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any kind of class critique or insight would have been welcome. but alas...

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Hmmm—what if the union and the vampire leadership are in cahoots, and the hunters' job is to kill off the younger vampires who might threaten the leadership's dominance? That would explain why Bud was drummed out of the union and has to agree to Seth following him around, as well as making a point about how two groups who are supposed to be in an adversarial relationship are in fact collaborating to hurt the little guy?

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it's not really a union is the thing; more like a guild? which is an important distinction, and it would have been nice if the movie showed some vague awareness of that...

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Even better! I could see the story making the difference between a guild and a union—maybe climaxing with the guild and the old vampires losing a climactic battle, and Bud and Seth creating a union for younger vampires and hunters.

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I watched this, then promptly forgot about it until you reminded me. Thanks for nothing.

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I haven't seen it. Now I don't have to. Thank you for your service.

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