The creature wonders: am I posting too much?
Hello all! For the past many months, I’ve tried to post every day, because…well, probably mostly because I’m neurotic and maybe somewhat neurodivergent and so if I’m doing something I have trouble doing it by halves.
But! Posting every day is probably a way to court burnout, both for me and for readers. So I think I may try to dial it back to 4 or 5 posts a week rather than 7 or 8?
If you have strong feelings about this (aspirational) change, let me know in comments; feedback is always appreciated!
okay, well obviously I am not facing a revolt at the prospect of posting slightly less, so we'll see if I manage to skip a day or two this week. (I meant to skip today, but then posted this, so...)
Take at least one day off a week hopefully two or three. Smell those roses. Breath deeply. Refresh