
okay, well obviously I am not facing a revolt at the prospect of posting slightly less, so we'll see if I manage to skip a day or two this week. (I meant to skip today, but then posted this, so...)

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Noah Berlatsky

Truly, no one will mind. Most of the people I subscribe to (and pay for) on Substack don’t post every single day.

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Take at least one day off a week hopefully two or three. Smell those roses. Breath deeply. Refresh

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Less can be more. I think many of us have been doom scrolling for a while now, and I've found visiting my favorite journalists frequently has been a way to deal with these crazy times and inject sanity. BUT, in what universe can we expect well thought out quality content every single friggin day?! We used to have to wait for favorite TV shows, the ability to binge them now seems to have seeped over into journalism. (I want more essays, and I want them NOW! Every day!!) It's a treadmill to burnout. Pace yourself. If you feel you must post something every day, let it be cats.

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by Noah Berlatsky

Do what’s good for you, Noah, especially since I know this isn’t your only gig - I also read your work at Aaron Rupar’s space. I’d rather have you post as you can than have you burn out and stop altogether!

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by Noah Berlatsky

Yes, it makes sense.

I have only been posting one article and one cat picture a week, but I've run out of steam for a little while, and I'm taking the rest to the summer off. If you're just cutting back a little bit, I don't think those of us in your audience will object.

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I have always written. I love to write. But as I've gotten old, I need to allocate my energy more thoughtfully. I don't feel a need to apologize for my laxity! You don't need to, either.

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If you believe your contrnts quality would increase if you worked on 4 or 5 pieces per week rather than the current 7 or 8, then my humble opinion is that you should scale back for your potential's sake. But if you feel that in terms of quality content, that you are able to produce 7 or 8 pieces per week that are at the peak of your current quality curve, I think keep writing and posting. Those topics or articles that your subscribers skip for whatever reason (say, one or two pieces out of the eitht that week don't grab their attention, or they simply skip a few due to time constraints) will simply continue to slip through each readers proverbial cracks....

And speaking of quality work and potential, how is it that quality increases and greatest potential reached??

Practice, Practice, Practice or, in this case, Write/Post, Write/Post, Write/Post.....

And repeat as many times as you still love the act of creating content for your readership!

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Noah, I want you to do exactly what you feel most comfortable doing. You are absolutely wonderful!

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Oh that's very kind of you. thanks!

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Brother, I’m struggling to read Substack once a day, much less post on it once a day. I’d think as long as you are not burning yourself out and you keep producing quality work, that’s the pace you should go, and if that’s not happening, go ahead and schedule yourself accordingly.

As for me, I’ve been happy that I’ve been posting on a weekly basis with no interruptions, which was almost never the case before. I’d love to get some feedback from others on my Substack, what I’m doing, and what I can improve. (Consider that an open invitation to you or others.) I feel like I jumped into this whole process feet first without looking, but if I tried to plan everything out in detail I never would have gotten started.

Thanks for the post.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Noah Berlatsky

You work your a_ _ off Noah, inside and outside TwitteX. Plug in some reposts, and other work you do and did. Take as much time as you need to recharge. 🙂

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Noah Berlatsky

Most of the substack writers I follow don’t post everyday, and I really do think even writers and creatives need time off from work.

I always appreciate well thought and well written pieces that are a worthwhile investment of my time to read, over reading what was clearly a desperate attempt to meet a deadline when the well was dry.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Noah Berlatsky

You're not a newspaper, no reason for 7 day a week newsletters. Three to four a week is more the norm for stack writers who like to have high frequency. Many writers post once or twice a week, with no negative affect on readership numbers.

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thanks! good to know.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Noah Berlatsky

Do what feels right from day to day/week to week. I enjoy your work, but thinking you're struggling would lessen the enjoyment.

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I'm not really struggling...just maybe thinking of heading off struggling before it grabs ahold I guess.

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Aug 7, 2023Liked by Noah Berlatsky

Balance is a beautiful thing and you deserve it. Good luck and keep up the great work at whatever pace is right for you!

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I would like a less frequent posting schedule. Thank you!

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by Noah Berlatsky

Do what you want, dude. Nobody's counting.

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Aug 6, 2023Liked by Noah Berlatsky

Do what feels right for YOU! Who gives a flying fig what the anonymous hordes think? Just write when you feel the Muse tapping your shoulder, and not out of guilt or habit!😸❣️

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hah, well...this is supposed to be a commercial endeavor here, at least to some degree, so I feel at least some obligation to see what the customers want.

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