Except for my own birth year and that of my kids, and the years I graduated from assorted schools, I can't and hardly ever have been able to remember the year something happened without a little mental calculation (where was I, what else was going on?) My own mother died during a several-year period of tremendous personal turmoil--serious illness, divorce, changing jobs and, of course, the stress of HER illness. I always have to do a little mental calculation to remember the year. It takes a few seconds--and would take longer if I was asked the question in the middle of something (the personal equivalent of dealing with 10/7) completely absorbing my attention.
"This doesn’t mean Biden will win the election; the future is hard to predict, and polls right now are not great for Democrats"
The same polls that predicted the red wave in 2022? The same polls that have been doom and glooming the Democrats despite our wins at the actual voting booth since 2018? The only polls that matter? Those polls?
no, 2022 polls predicted that Ds would do pretty well! 2023 polls were also quite accurate.
Polls always have a lot of uncertainty, and there was a pretty big polling error in favor of Rs in 2020, but since then polls have been mostly on target. The reason not to worry about polls too much right now is that they're too early to be predictive, not because polls are bullshit.
Mostly I just hate polls. Even the ones that are accurate and done with good intention have actual real life effects at the voting booth. they can foment either hopelessness or overconfidence. They just seem really intrusive to me and I wish that we didn't do them or rely on them so much. But there's really nothing we can do about that I suppose. But I do have a strong moral objection to political polling
I think polls don't have much of an effect, really. People who are paying attention are already committed partisans; people who aren't paying attention probably don't have much of a sense of what the polls say.
Polls are really useful though because otehrwise you have no way at all to know what other people are thinking! Especially issue polls are vital to democratic debate and decision making I think. and electoral polls are really useful for campaigns who want some sense of where to spend money, which areas are battlegrounds, who to target outreach to, etc.
"People who are paying attention are already committed partisans; people who aren't paying attention probably don't have much of a sense of what the polls say."
Kinda like your piece on politics and the superbowl. Assumptions about what people pay attention to based on one's own attention..
::It’s fun to watch Hur dunk his head in shit, but there’s no reason for New York Times opinion writers like Ezra Klein and Ross Douthat to follow suit.::
Sure there is! It gives the MSM their horserace, which leads to "engagement"...and they believe (wrongly, IMO) MONEY!
As the NY TIMES, THE WAPO, and nearly every Mainstream Media outlet not MSNBC* pushes the "Biden is Old and Doddering, But TRUMP! He's vital and as Wild as EVER!" narrative, Biden continues to Just Do His Job, Competently and Unexcitingly. That's Bo-RING! to the clickbaity types whose main contribution to "journalism" is Search Engine Optimization—if they get caught outright lying, they can just change the story right away, yes? So No Harm, No Foul? Only there is, because people rarely read the retraction.
Biden coming out and giving his State of the Union Address, all charged up and sharp as a tack, is the best campaign ad for him that's not "Will you look at the other guy? He's out of his mind!" The last four(?) decades have shown that their "I mean, look at the Republicans!" line doesn't work, for reasons that elude me.
It was admittedly a lot harder to justify when the Democrats were trying to run as "Republican Lite" NeoLiberals—but Trump is so patently falling apart, ranting like a dictator in his last days, while Biden is working to get the country back on track with some (for him) impressively progressive policies, that if Old Uncle Joe could've formed two complete sentences one right after the other, he'd look brilliant and eloquent. That he did that and far more, including sniping back at Republicans when they tried to derail him, was the best surprise anybody to the Left of Mitch McConnell could want.
* While MSNBC runs the "Biden's too old! He's a doddering old man!" line same as everybody, at least they're not propping up Donald Trump while they're at it. Their take seems to be a lot like Mary Trump's bête noire Jon Stewart's—they're both too old, we need younger people in office than the cast of The Geritol Follies (https://youtu.be/X0wdZHNwV7s?list=PL9SzCLI2CwfFpSj1B9xI5oLMPorB6p7m8&t=1606 )! Well, that would be nice—but that's not the hand we were dealt this year, is it...?
Yes, yes, and yes. I just had to point out to a friend who was badmouthing both sides (they’re ALL terrible!) that one side IS NOT FASCIST, and it might be wisest to vote for that side even if you don’t like either.
Noah, they believe he's old and doddering in his cups. They watch all those videos and it affects the way they see the world, even if they know it's bullshit. One of the perpetual bullshit machine's main targets is the people who create 'content' for the perpetual bullshit machine and the politicians that are their primary targets and who help create the content themselves.
(You could see it in action during the War on Terror - people flat out making shit up and people who you would otherwise expect to be pretty sharp and not gullible swallowing obvious bullshit whole.)
It's weird. There's a version of this on the left (usually the far far left) but there's never quite the same level of "let's sit around and tell each other a bunch of bullshit stories and, like, believe them."
It's been a very common cultural tic in the South since the antebellum period, and it probably (certainly) has something to do with evangelical culture, but this is the internet-metastasised version.
But Douthat’s face is in Xtian ape shit, so his opinion is different, somehow. Klein, however, has perfectly melded face and ape shit into one holistic entity of value to the NYT.
" The transcripts also show that Biden remembered the day of his son’s death, though he had to think momentarily to identify the year—which is a pretty normal thing to do when you get older and have spent lots of times on earth where things happen" hey I'm the age of Donald Trump ( a few months his senior); and not as old as Biden. And I wrack my brain over and over to remember the years anything happened unless they are tied to some momentous event---I arrived in St.Louis the morning after MLK was shot, so of course I know that year.
My son just celebrated his 29th birthday and I was totally befuddled. Wasn't he 25 last year? Of course as one's timespan increases there's more to remember, but years need to find a reference point somewhere between the events that one has experienced. Four years can easily be mushed into last year and so one needs to pause and locate time within other parameters that have occurred.
I had to ask my wife how many years ago my mother died only recently. But I certainly recall the agonous week it took after they told us she was not going to survive covid and my feelings they gave up on her way too soon.
Robert Hur should be ashamed of himself. I have realized, however, that right wingers and christofascists don’t have a “shame” setting.
Except for my own birth year and that of my kids, and the years I graduated from assorted schools, I can't and hardly ever have been able to remember the year something happened without a little mental calculation (where was I, what else was going on?) My own mother died during a several-year period of tremendous personal turmoil--serious illness, divorce, changing jobs and, of course, the stress of HER illness. I always have to do a little mental calculation to remember the year. It takes a few seconds--and would take longer if I was asked the question in the middle of something (the personal equivalent of dealing with 10/7) completely absorbing my attention.
"This doesn’t mean Biden will win the election; the future is hard to predict, and polls right now are not great for Democrats"
The same polls that predicted the red wave in 2022? The same polls that have been doom and glooming the Democrats despite our wins at the actual voting booth since 2018? The only polls that matter? Those polls?
no, 2022 polls predicted that Ds would do pretty well! 2023 polls were also quite accurate.
Polls always have a lot of uncertainty, and there was a pretty big polling error in favor of Rs in 2020, but since then polls have been mostly on target. The reason not to worry about polls too much right now is that they're too early to be predictive, not because polls are bullshit.
Mostly I just hate polls. Even the ones that are accurate and done with good intention have actual real life effects at the voting booth. they can foment either hopelessness or overconfidence. They just seem really intrusive to me and I wish that we didn't do them or rely on them so much. But there's really nothing we can do about that I suppose. But I do have a strong moral objection to political polling
I think polls don't have much of an effect, really. People who are paying attention are already committed partisans; people who aren't paying attention probably don't have much of a sense of what the polls say.
Polls are really useful though because otehrwise you have no way at all to know what other people are thinking! Especially issue polls are vital to democratic debate and decision making I think. and electoral polls are really useful for campaigns who want some sense of where to spend money, which areas are battlegrounds, who to target outreach to, etc.
Good points..
"People who are paying attention are already committed partisans; people who aren't paying attention probably don't have much of a sense of what the polls say."
Kinda like your piece on politics and the superbowl. Assumptions about what people pay attention to based on one's own attention..
Woops. Looks like I did that!
Hmmm. I suppose if you separate them from predicting outcomes. Public sentiment doesn't necessarily map out onto outcomes
::It’s fun to watch Hur dunk his head in shit, but there’s no reason for New York Times opinion writers like Ezra Klein and Ross Douthat to follow suit.::
Sure there is! It gives the MSM their horserace, which leads to "engagement"...and they believe (wrongly, IMO) MONEY!
As the NY TIMES, THE WAPO, and nearly every Mainstream Media outlet not MSNBC* pushes the "Biden is Old and Doddering, But TRUMP! He's vital and as Wild as EVER!" narrative, Biden continues to Just Do His Job, Competently and Unexcitingly. That's Bo-RING! to the clickbaity types whose main contribution to "journalism" is Search Engine Optimization—if they get caught outright lying, they can just change the story right away, yes? So No Harm, No Foul? Only there is, because people rarely read the retraction.
Biden coming out and giving his State of the Union Address, all charged up and sharp as a tack, is the best campaign ad for him that's not "Will you look at the other guy? He's out of his mind!" The last four(?) decades have shown that their "I mean, look at the Republicans!" line doesn't work, for reasons that elude me.
It was admittedly a lot harder to justify when the Democrats were trying to run as "Republican Lite" NeoLiberals—but Trump is so patently falling apart, ranting like a dictator in his last days, while Biden is working to get the country back on track with some (for him) impressively progressive policies, that if Old Uncle Joe could've formed two complete sentences one right after the other, he'd look brilliant and eloquent. That he did that and far more, including sniping back at Republicans when they tried to derail him, was the best surprise anybody to the Left of Mitch McConnell could want.
* While MSNBC runs the "Biden's too old! He's a doddering old man!" line same as everybody, at least they're not propping up Donald Trump while they're at it. Their take seems to be a lot like Mary Trump's bête noire Jon Stewart's—they're both too old, we need younger people in office than the cast of The Geritol Follies (https://youtu.be/X0wdZHNwV7s?list=PL9SzCLI2CwfFpSj1B9xI5oLMPorB6p7m8&t=1606 )! Well, that would be nice—but that's not the hand we were dealt this year, is it...?
Yes, yes, and yes. I just had to point out to a friend who was badmouthing both sides (they’re ALL terrible!) that one side IS NOT FASCIST, and it might be wisest to vote for that side even if you don’t like either.
I’m this voice of reason among my friend group.
Noah, they believe he's old and doddering in his cups. They watch all those videos and it affects the way they see the world, even if they know it's bullshit. One of the perpetual bullshit machine's main targets is the people who create 'content' for the perpetual bullshit machine and the politicians that are their primary targets and who help create the content themselves.
(You could see it in action during the War on Terror - people flat out making shit up and people who you would otherwise expect to be pretty sharp and not gullible swallowing obvious bullshit whole.)
It's weird. There's a version of this on the left (usually the far far left) but there's never quite the same level of "let's sit around and tell each other a bunch of bullshit stories and, like, believe them."
It's been a very common cultural tic in the South since the antebellum period, and it probably (certainly) has something to do with evangelical culture, but this is the internet-metastasised version.
haven't got the foggiest what to do about it
It probably started when they told themselves "Slavery is GOOD for Negros!"
The South has been lying, to others and to itself, since before this country's inception.
But Douthat’s face is in Xtian ape shit, so his opinion is different, somehow. Klein, however, has perfectly melded face and ape shit into one holistic entity of value to the NYT.
Orangutan feaces. Monkey feaces.
These expressions should be used far more frequently.
Low bar of the day:”don’t be Robert fucking Hur.”
So easy! Thank you!
Thanks for the LOL.
We have definitely returned to yellow journalism.
" The transcripts also show that Biden remembered the day of his son’s death, though he had to think momentarily to identify the year—which is a pretty normal thing to do when you get older and have spent lots of times on earth where things happen" hey I'm the age of Donald Trump ( a few months his senior); and not as old as Biden. And I wrack my brain over and over to remember the years anything happened unless they are tied to some momentous event---I arrived in St.Louis the morning after MLK was shot, so of course I know that year.
My son just celebrated his 29th birthday and I was totally befuddled. Wasn't he 25 last year? Of course as one's timespan increases there's more to remember, but years need to find a reference point somewhere between the events that one has experienced. Four years can easily be mushed into last year and so one needs to pause and locate time within other parameters that have occurred.
I had to ask my wife how many years ago my mother died only recently. But I certainly recall the agonous week it took after they told us she was not going to survive covid and my feelings they gave up on her way too soon.