The poems - just a pleasure. As an insomniac I get it - the menendez situation infuriates me - your cat is 🔥 (ours finally caught the mouse that’s been eating her friskiest/wants a parade now). The Israeli-Hamas situation is breaking me for what that’s worth but not one zillion anywhere near what innocents on both sides are suffering.

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we have yet to see a cat catch rodents, though with so many cats it's possible the rodents steer clear? idk.

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Lucky. It took her two weeks.. then brought it to me as a gift. I suspect seeking praise.( Not the aaarrggggg she got.)

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LOL! We had as many at fourteen cats living with us at one point, and of them I only think two or three even bothered to try and catch mice. Several of them wanted to go out and catch birds or baby squirrels, but I'm pretty sure most of the cats watched the mice running around like it was their evening's entertainment....

Meatloaf, the cat I inherited from my ex-wife, is one of the mouse-catchers, though I think my current apartment building (a cement block with unconvincing wood tile on the floors) isn't conducive to rodents.

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Ha! I know! We had only one solid mouser (who had been a farm kitten) his forte was putting dead rodents in my husband’s work boots (I enjoyed this) and who I once stupidly wrestled for a chipmunk.. otherwise so many prima donnas. One who raced me out of the kitchen years ago while I yelled for the household terminator (again, my husband).

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from CNN Opinion on KILLERS OF THE FLOWER MOON: "“Killers of the Flower Moon” reveals that Scorsese’s narrative, genre-anchored, humanist approach to big, important filmmaking has serious limitations as well."

It's like I keep telling people—no matter what Scorsese SAYS his movie's about? In the end it's about gangsters, the same way comic book movies are about superheroes. He has no more room to lambaste Marvel movies than Kevin Feige has to mock Scorsese's love of low-level gangsters....

#SorryNotSorry—I've always felt Martin Scorsese is an incredibly overrated filmmaker with a handful of great movies and a LOT of mediocre crap in-between. Coppola can boast the first two GODFATHER movies and APOCALYPSE NOW as untouchable classics—I'm not even sure Scorsese's great movies (TAXI DRIVER, GOODFELLAS, THE DEPARTED) rise to that level. And every time he tries to stretch with films like THE LAST TEMPTATION OF CHRIST, ALICE DOESN'T LIVE HERE ANY MORE, or NEW YORK, NEW YORK, he just shows how, while he might be interested in those stories he doesn't really know how to tell them.

Well—I don't think it's a great movie, but one of my favorite Scorsese films is AFTER HOURS, where he perfectly captures artistic Eighties SoHo in a madcap comedic horror story about a not-very-likable protagonist trying to have a night out...and gets a LOT more of a night out than he bargained for!

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