This Week's Writing 12/17/22
Musk's reactionary populism, Trump's superhero fantasies, Christmas songs by Jewish people, and more!
Elon Musk and the reactionary populism of entitlement. (Public Notice)
Avatar: the Way of the Bladder! Is okay. But colonialist. (NBC Think)
Trump loves superheroes; maybe we shouldn’t quite as much. (Independent)
2022 shows again that the division between GOP and Ds is race not class. (Alternet)
22 Christmas songs by Jewish people. (WoG)
30 Best Movies of 2022 (Everything Is Horrible)
Lady Chatterley’s Lover’s depiction of fascist rich assholes is surprisingly relevant. (Chicago Reader)
The awesome aging pop punk politics of Nina Hagen. (Chicago Reader)
The Heater is Broken, a poetic lament. (Patreon)