Death be not proud.

Death be not.

Death be.


This would really be beautiful and perfect in ASL. Not that perfection can exist in a language composed of motion, where perfection is still. But John Donne lives within those contradictions himself, so it fits.

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That sounds amazing. I know little about ASL I fear, but I'd love to see it translated.

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ASL is one of my two daily languages, and ASL poetry means as much to me if not more than my English poetry. I’ll play with this and see where I land. I’ve never tried to perform and post a translation, but I will be happy to try here. It’s just different enough here that it has that frisson to it, that hanging in the moment feel to it. It means more as it says less.

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cool. I emailed you, so get back to me when/if you feel ready and we can coordinate!

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I double checked but didn’t see an email?

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huh. well try writing me; it's just myname at gmail

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Mine is Rebecca.Wilova, it needs the period in there. Maybe that was the issue?

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